Figure 1: Isolation of high-quality genomic DNA.
The DNeasy PowerSoil Kit was used to isolate total genomic DNA from nine different sample types. The results were compared with those from soil DNA isolation kits from two other suppliers. All manufacturer’s protocols were followed. 15 µl of eluted genomic DNA was used per lane of a 0.8% TAE agarose gel.
Figure 2: Reliable PCR analysis with the DNeasy PowerSoil...
The undiluted DNA elute (1 µl) described in Figure 1 underwent PCR analysis with eubacterial primers. The results are displayed on an 0.8% TAE agarose gel. The DNeasy PowerSoil Kit was the only kit that yielded a PCR product for landfill samples (lanes 1 and 2), lake sediment (lane 6) and mulch topsoil (lane 9). High remaining humic acid content inhibited amplification for DNA isolated with kits from other manufacturers. DNA isolated with the DNeasy PowerSoil Kit had positive amplification in 100% of samples. Other supplier kits had positive amplification in 44% of samples.
Features | Specifications |
Binding capacity/yield | Up to 20 µg per filter |
Format | Silica Spin Filter Tubes |
Processing | Bead beating |
Sample size | 0.25 g |
Sample types | Soil, fecal, water, food, insects, swabs with PCR inhibitors |
Special feature | Bead Type: 0.7 mm garnet |
Storage conditions | Store at room temperature (15-30°C) |
Storage temperature | Store at room temperature (15-30°C) |
Throughput | 1 - 24 samples |
Time per run or per prep | 30 minutes |